Warhammer 40,000 Universe
Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 10ED (English)
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. Warhammer 40,000 is a fast-paced and explosive tabletop wargame. Will you choose to play as the mighty Space Marines, the all-cons...
Ver todos los detallesSpace Marines Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes are Mankind's greatest defenders, genetically enhanced post-human warriors raised to know...
Ver todos los detallesIníciate en Warhammer 40,000 10ED
Games WorkshopGetting Started with Warhammer 40,000 10ED (Español) Warhammer 40,000 es un juego de batallas de tablero explosivo y vertiginoso. ¿Elegirás jugar ...
Ver todos los detallesAdepta Sororitas Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The zealous warriors of the Adepta Sororitas are the most devout servants of the Imperium. Singing praise to the God-Emperor, they ...
Ver todos los detallesNecrons Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Necrons are a deathless race of alien androids, entombed in self-repairing bodies of living metal. In a long forgotten era, the...
Ver todos los detallesDeath Guard Index Cards 2023 (Español) - WH40k
Games WorkshopLa Guardia de la Muerte es la Legión elegida de Nurgle, el Dios de la Plaga, los vástagos enfermos del Primarca Daemon Mortarion, y los portadores ...
Ver todos los detallesAdepta Sororitas Index Cards 2023 (Español) - WH40k
Games WorkshopLas celosas guerreras de las Adepta Sororitas son las servidoras más devotas del Imperium. Cantando alabanzas al Dios Emperador, se embarcan en gu...
Ver todos los detallesAdeptus Custodes Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Adeptus Custodes are demigods of war, sworn to defend the Emperor until death. Joined in battle by the eerie Sisters of Silence...
Ver todos los detallesBlack Templars Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Black Templars are the most zealous of all Space Marines. To them, the Emperor is a literal deity, and there is no oath they wi...
Ver todos los detallesWorld Eaters Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. Fanatical devotees of Khorne the Blood God, the World Eaters Traitor Legion is formed of countless warbands who exist only to slaug...
Ver todos los detallesT'au Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The T'au Empire is a young and dynamic civilisation of technologically advanced aliens, spreading like wildfire across the stars as...
Ver todos los detallesKnight Households Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. Knights are colossal suits of armour bristling with heavy weapons, employed both by noble houses of the lmperium and those fallen t...
Ver todos los detallesImperial Agents Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. Imperial Agents are ruthless, influential, and single-minded individuals, from Inquisitors to Rogue Traders, who command bands of g...
Ver todos los detallesGrey Knights Index Cards 2023 (Español) - WH40k
Games Workshopos Caballeros Grises son los cazadores de daemons del Imperium, un capítulo secreto de guerreros místicos de los Marines Espaciales. Ataviados con ...
Ver todos los detallesAstra Militarum Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Astra Militarum are the backbone of the lmperium's largest armies. Their massed infantry and tank regiments form a bulwark that...
Ver todos los detallesOrks Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. Orks are hulking, green-skinned aliens who love to fight. Tough, brutal, and savage, Orks gather in massive warbands that hurl them...
Ver todos los detallesLeagues of Votann Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Kin are a clone race of resilient and pragmatic warriors, who together form the ancient Leagues of Votann. They emerge from the...
Ver todos los detallesGrey Knights Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Grey Knights are the lmperium's daemon hunters, a secret Space Marine Chapter of warrior-mystics. Clad in sigil-scribed power a...
Ver todos los detallesAeldari Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Aeldari are an ancient and dying people, their fractured factions each finding ways to survive in a hostile galaxy. All depend ...
Ver todos los detallesChaos Space Marines Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. Chaos Space Marines are the Imperium's most bitter foes – warbands of genetically augmented killers, clad in baroque armour and swo...
Ver todos los detallesChaos Space Marines Index Cards 2023 (Español) - WH40k
Games WorkshopLos Marines Espaciales del Caos son los enemigos más acérrimos del Imperium: bandas de asesinos aumentados genéticamente, ataviados con armaduras b...
Ver todos los detallesThousand Sons Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Thousand Sons advance into battle amid gouts of kaleidoscopic warpflame and bolts of raw sorcery. This sanity-blasting Legion f...
Ver todos los detallesSpace Wolves Index Cards 2023 (Español) - WH40k
Games WorkshopLos Lobos Espaciales no son solo Marines Espaciales, sino también salvajes cazadores y orgullosos héroes del mundo letal de Fenris. Guerrean sin mi...
Ver todos los detallesBlood Angels Index Cards 2023 (English) - WH40k
Games WorkshopSolo en inglés. The Blood Angels are counted among the most noble of Space Marines, the angelic defenders of Humanity. Yet beneath their beautiful ...
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